Quotas - Setting and Controlling

Quotas are used in surveys to control the number of surveys you receive and the from whom you receive them.


Setting Quotas


There are three options possible when considering the quotas you wish to set.


1.First, you may not wish to limit the number of surveys in any way – you just wish to collect as many responses as possible.  To do this do not include a Quota question type and do not put a total sample entry in the survey detail screen sample size.

2.Setting only a total sample size quota – there are no restrictions on who completes your survey but you wish to stop collecting surveys after a set number has been reached.  Set this number in the survey detail screen sample size. 

3.You wish to select your sample such that minimum numbers of certain respondent groups are achieved, for example 50 males and 50 females.  With SMP it is currently possible to set quotas based on a two dimensional grid by selecting two questions answered in the survey.  This is useful if you wish to quota on say sex and age. 
You can also create any complex quota you wish by using the compute question type with the quota question type.  This enables you to create as complex a quota as you like. 
First use the compute question type to create a new question where the answer depends on the answers given to previous questions.  For example you may wish to create a quota on sex, age and occupation.  Create the new computed question first, insert a quota question type and then use this computed question to allocate your quotas to.